1st in AG/24th OA
Swim: 12:27
T1 2:15
Bike: 36:02
T2: 1:10
Run: 25:22 (8:11 pace)
Total: 1:17:16
This is the race in which I wanted to place 1st in age. I had other goals around an improved run pace, bike pace, feeling stronger and more confident in general - things within my power to improve on based on better training over the prior year. The thing I never have control over is just who shows up on race day and what training, goals and natural abilities they bring to their race. So I didn't put too much into my idea of "success" depending on a 1st place or even placing at all. There were other ways to measure success.
Having said that, I thought 1st was within the realm of possibility. With hard work, with some luck...who knows? I had been reluctant to say that out loud though. Wouldn't that be too bold and cocky? Who does she think she is? And if I didn't achieve a 1st, then wouldn't that just be kind of pathetic and embarrassing? To hell with that! I believe there is power in saying something out loud and so I put aside my doubts and false modesty about it. One day at the lake with friends, I answered their question about how I wanted to do with first "I want to do my best..." then, "I want to improve over last year...", then "I hope I can be in the top 3 this year..." and finally I laughed and said "I WANT TO BE FIRST IN MY AGE GROUP!" So there. Why is that so hard? Is it a female thing? A generational thing? Because I've never done much competitively prior to this? Who knows?
It wasn't until an hour or more after my finish that the top 3 finishers in each age group w
ere announced over the P.A. system. Darcy was with me and we froze as we listened. They announced one woman's name as the 3rd place finisher (ok, not me - my heart rate picked up), they announced another name for 2nd place (not me - ACH! So am I first or did I not make the top 3 at all????). Then they announced... my name!! That was a happy moment, but it was all the more special because my good friend was there and it was her bursting into tears about it, that got me going. I'm so glad I had a pal to share that moment with. I'll never forget what it felt like to have a loyal friend share the thrill with me. OK, so that sounds super corny and all, but I'm a lone coyote in so many ways, that I appreciate the moments that solidify a friendship all the more. Darcy had a happy day as well, making into the top 10 (9th) of her AG.

Here is what I wrote to a friend in '05 right after that race:

I see a picture where I’m just standing still so I can hit the button on my damn watch for my splits. I better not waste that kind of time in the future! ; )
I am very
happy to have accomplished this!
I am very

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