There is Jim J., a lane-mate from my masters swimming group and fellow camper on this trip:
As we were preparing for the swim, we heard a loud crack and crash. Just a few feet behind us, this large tree decided it was time to bite the dust and fortunately fell away from us. There I am standing on the fallen thing with....um, Beth's friend....Uh, nice guy....sorry, forgot his name. Nice guy though (jeff? bill? gary? mike? greg? george?....no, I think that is George standing in the water...ach, nothing rings a bell. Nice guy. Saw him at the Fat Salmon swim a couple weeks later).
Here's the big event of the day! Swimming! These would be the action shots, the thrill of the swim. See the water? See the little white splashes of arms entering and exiting, maybe a little kicking?

Now, a bit of rest at the other end of the la

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