We had 3 perfect days for backpacking in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness area east of Snoqualmie Pass. Mary, Ridge and I hiked the 4.5 miles up to Rachel Lake. The last mile is a well-known rooty, rocky and mostly straight up climb. The early miles through the valley and the steeper ascent offered frequent stops along streams and waterfall
s. Very nice on a warm summer day!

I hadn't backpacked in a few years and still had at least one triathlon left to do and wondered about 3 days off from training and lugging a weight on my back up the trail. My pack weighed in at 50 lbs. at the start of the hike. My legs were definitely weary and I was footsore by the end of it, but I held up alright.
A dip in Rachel Lake was pretty much a given. I was with Mary M., the Mary-whose-business-it-is
open-water-and-pool-swim-clinics, whose official motto is "Get Out There" and unofficial motto is "Suck It Up". So shying away from the lake because "it's cold" wasn't an option for me. I accepted quickly that simply diving in and then gasping from the cold is preferable to easing my way in and gasping with each little inch of progress made. We swam in Rachel several times as well as Lila Lake, where we hiked up to on the second day. I think the highlight of the trip for Mary was Ridge getting in to swim a few times (and no one even had to throw him in). He's never been a dog fond of water, she says.

Sitting around the the lake at day's end and at night was very nice and all the more pleasant with my Thermarest chair. It's the one MUST HAVE nonessential on a backpacking trip and I believe I converted Mary to this concept (as she parked herself in it whenever it was offered to her and purchased one for herself afterwards)!
On day 2, after a climb and a few miles of hiking, we explored around Lila Lake, swam in it and checked out the Rampart Lakes area. Another popular side hike is on up to Alta Mt. But by mid-afternoon, I was thinking about the can of pop and bottle of beer that I stashed under some rocks in the lake to stay cold. Afternoon beverages and another swim seemed preferable to climbing another ridge.
Here I'm warming up after a swim, enjoying a late summer afternoon glow in the sun and buzz from my single (lukewarm) beer. Lightweight! Mental note for next time: put beverages into deeper water to keep it cold for later (shallow water is not very cold)!
The hike down was hot and what do you think greeted us upon returning to the trail head parking lot? Sadly, a broken-into car (mine). Broken glass was everywhere and maybe $1000.00 in theft and damages (they smashed my hardcover Thule box on top of the car too). Pain in the butt inconvenience is what it was, but the trip wasn't ruined by that. Next time I will leave nothing in the car and leave a window open enough so they hopefully won't break the glass.
Mary knew about another swimming hole along the dirt road on the drive out, so we stopped. Check out the photos of her jumping and diving off the "cliffs" (click on the photo to enlarge it). I took a few jumps myself, though I'll admit it was from a ledge less high, being a chicken about jumping from heights. Mary got a couple good shots....of me already in the water, so there's no mid-air leap photos of me. :..( But there is on
e of me WET.

so, is that a nudist park ?
sorry about your car. we were parked at a trail head for the tunnel run, and several spots in the lot were littered with car glass. great. we lucked out...
no way i would do those leaping jumps. i'd go in, but not from on high. but it all looks like FUN !
What? Did I not crop that photo enough? Besides, isn't any wilderness excursion where you think you are reasonably alone or at least 500 yards away from families or guys with cameras a nudist park? Um, what I meant to say was, "What happens at Rachel Lake, stays at Rachel Lake".
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